Meet our Instructors

At Blitzen Canine Academy our instructors have over 50 years of combined teaching experience!

Pam Juliano
Director of Training
Blitzen Canine Academy was founded by Pam Juliano, a Certified Trainer for Patrol Narcotic Dogs, who has been competitively training and showing dogs since 1972. Owner/handler of dogs who has received numerous titles in agility, obedience, tracking and Rally-O; including several high in trials and dog world awards. Pam is a licensed judge for AKC, UKC, and CPE agility trials.

Jacque Svab
The summer months of 2005 was when I ran my first agility course. Now, almost ten years later, I still can't stay off them. I started my training at Blitzen Canine Academy when I was 11 years old, while training my Grandmothers German Shepherd; Boden. While I had no intentions of competing, when we got our second male Shepherd; Kippi, I decided it was time to try something new. Learning and training at Blitzen Canine has given me an insight into different canine sports, and training ways. Between training and showing 6 of my own dogs, I have experienced all sorts of temperaments and different ways to train them. We have competed in AKC Agility, AKC Obedience, AKC Rally-o, APDT and WOC Rally, C-WAGS Rally and Obedience, and CPE Agility. While it is fun to accumulate as many Titles and Awards that you can; I have found and relished in the fact that all we do with our pets in our time training, is bonding. That bond and relationship is what I always try to achieve. It's not about how many awards, titles, or championships you have, but the team and bond you've created with your dog.

Corinne Batterman
I started training at Blitzen when I was looking for a way to give my Austrailian Shepherd, Auddi, a healthy outlet for her energy! While many training places may only have spots for dogs who began as puppies, Pam gave me a place to start with my dog who was over a year old. Since then I have been able to take my other dog, Guss, through puppy class up to advance. Working with my dogs , both in class and home, is an activity that takes priority in my life no matter how busy, in order to keep my happiness. I have been able to take what I have learned at Blitzen and apply those training techniques to my dogs as well as foster dogs that come into my home. While I teach as a high school agriculture teacher, I found my second passion when I began to assist in puppy and beginners classes at Blitzen. My second passion, other than teaching high school, is working with owners and their dogs. When I see owners overcome a difficult task with their dogs, complete a course, or achieve a new accomplishment I am so proud to know that I have helped others grow with their dogs.
Kelsey Czemske
My name is Kelsey Czemske, I have been a part of the Blitzen Family since 2009. My journey began after I convinced my parents to let me adopt a year old black lab from a shelter I had been volunteering at. I was always fascinated with agility and knew I wanted to be involved with a sport that I could do with my dog. I would use old lawn chairs and broom sticks as jumps and practice in my backyard until I found Blitzen Canine Academy. We started in agility class, than Pam convinced me to get involved with rally obedience, and before I knew it, I was going to Blitzen Canine Academy three days a week; helping teach class and being in class. Those were the good old days before college! In 2013 I graduated high school and had to put dog sports aside in order to accommodate my school and work schedule, I continued going to agility and obedience competitions and even acquired a new dog along the way. The new puppy, Vader, brought me back to Blitzen and since spring of 2017 I have been back in class and teaching class.
My lab Dozer has brought me to many different states to compete in agility, obedience, and his favorite.. dock diving. In 2015 he was the Midwest Regional Champion for Ultimate Air Dogs. This gave us an automatic invite to the Nationals at Purina Farms in Missouri where he finished 3rd overall in the Senior Division. We recently earned out Master Rally Champion title on our home turf at Blitzen and are close to getting our C-ATCH in agility.
My favorite part about being a Blitzen Instructor is watching dogs and their owners become a team. It amazes me what seven short weeks can do and how a shy, unsure dog can become a confident competitor. I love being able to teach people who are new to the agility world tips and tricks of the trade and most importantly how to have fun together. Some of my favorite runs at competitions didn’t even qualify but it always puts a smile on my face remembering the runs where Dozer would grab the #6 cone on the course and run circles around the ring or refuse to bring me his retrieve article back because he was so overly excited I used his dock diving bumper. It’s all about making memories and having a good time with your dog.